A Writer's Life

By Awriterslife

The in-between nature of things

Another weird day in the land of Annie, made better however by the fact that the paper is progressing (I'd say without my help, but that's weird, right?) and by a fun visit to a CSI "experience" at the discovery center. I just love agitating my neurons with a bit of detecting... Hey, maybe that could be another plan b? (though we might be down to c or d at this point).

I'm receiving a lot of support from sometimes unexpected places, and it's making it's way into my thick skull and helping a bit. I finally decided to go home for a few days: eat good food, see friends and family, sleep in a good bed. But what pushed me the most into the decision was that they are announcing snow at home! And I NEED snow. Really good, thick snow that drapes the city, muffles the sounds of cars and buses and people. It wont exactly be a snow storm, but it will be snow. And then I'll come back to spring in new York. Maybe.

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