Optic Nerve

By BillFroog

Bean uncreative

Well - the day was drawing to a close - and a blip was yet to be snapped.

The bean cans held a few challenges when the redesign came up. Most of it was due to the decision to put the logo vertically on these (thus changing the center line & balance). No problem - except that the masters from the previous studio had flattened a lot of layers & I had to re-create beans in tomato sauce that weren't actually there (under old logos). I really enjoy such aspects of working with photoshop - one has to realise the implicit rewards yourself.. i.e. the better job you make of such details - the less anyone (or preferably no-one) notices.

This isn't photoshopped - naturally. Just a picture of what Humphrey Bogart said about problems of three little people, not amounting to, in this crazy world.

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