
you know sometimes I look at a scene and think, that would be good in HDR, my year and a bit on blip has made me look at things in a different way. People who follow me regularly know that I have a fondness for HDR and I'm always on the look out on how to improve my technique.

It's not everyone's cup of tea but I find that it challenges me to think "sideways" I'm not looking at the original image I'm looking at what I can do with it to make it better. Taking the photo is just the beginning of the photo for me I enjoy, almost as much, the post production process. I've recently been taking five images and using them and I'm fortunate enough to own a camera that takes up to nine. This helps me get the range of tones the way I like to see them.

The tree in today's photo (or should I say photos) has been blipped on a previous occasion, I did an infra red version. here which I think is effective but the colours in this "pop", as usual the bigger version gives more detail.

I got the image on my cycle ride home from from work.

A nice lazy evening ahead, perhaps a chinese takeaway and beer to follow.

I've also committed to a fellow blipper cameron to join his "Gifford gentlemen" in doing a charity event in June.

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