Life through the lens...

By ValC

Helleborus Corsicus

A garden shot today.
So nice to see the garden waking up after the winter.
This is a favourite of mine. I like the green flowers which start in February and go on for a couple of months.
It also does well by the back/front door ( our cottage only has one door. The front of the house which overlooks next door's garden doesn't have a door. The properties are very old and so the layout is a bit complicated!)
Anyhow we don't get any sun in this part of the garden and this plant is one of the few which seem to thrive without it.

It's botanical name is Helleborus Corsicus, argutifolius. Only native to Corsica and Sardinia.
It is the largest of the hellebors and grows to a height of 3 - 4 ft. Has large dark green leaves(evergreen) composed of three leaflets which are serrated on the margins. All the leaves occur on the stem.
Each stem has a group of 10 - 30 green flowers 1-2 inches in diameter.
(Here endeth your botany lesson for today!!!)

Can't believe it's Friday already. This week seems to have flown.Must do some tidying up in the garden tomorrow if the weather is fine.

Hope you all have a good weekend.

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