
There was much laughter and delighted screaming as this deer ate the animal pellets Sebastian offered her. I know it seems as if he's terrified but he was actually laughing so hard he could barely stand up. I guess her mouth tickled.

Note: Check out the length of her eyelashes in large.

Kiwilizzie joined the youngster and I out at the Red Barn for a coffee today. He loved the animals and this is the first time he's been brave enough to feed them himself.

On the way out he re-discovered the old Massey Ferguson tractor and he had a wonderful time driving it. We didn't stay as long as Sebastian would have liked - the sandflies were particularly voracious today and he was covered in them even though I'd doused him in repellent. He was angry at me for taking him away so when we got home I let him 'drive' my car while I sat in the back seat as the passenger. It took over half an hour before he was interested in going inside!

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