Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

I Bark at Horses Don't I?

"A" rang yesterday and reminded The Boss that the yearly Cavalcade finished in Cromwell today so we decided to have a field trip. As this was a bit of an unknown there was a decision that I should keep The Bossess company as I had not done much of that lately. Mumble mumble. Oh yes I was only to happy to help and I must confess that as The Boss told the story of the day maybe I would have been in the way along with the 100 or so other dogs THAT WERE ALREADY THERE. Mutter Mutter!
The Cavalcade is an annual event and you can read about it on "A's" journal here.I don't really like horses and barked at them the last time we met in Wanaka a couple of years ago.

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