Take 3

Spent a nice afternoon with mum who treated me to lunch then we attended a talk by Mark Power (a magnum photographer!) at Bradford one gallery.

Mark's exhibition featured photographs from two years he spent in Poland, a country close to my heart having spent time studying there & having friends who live there.

It was great to hear some of the stories behind the photographs as it gives you more of an appreciation of the photographic art!

On the way back we watched a local news anchorman discussing the economy & talking about a demonstration outside the town hall called "Were all Greeks now" against austerity in Greece but also the austerity fuelled by the financial sector in general. Perhaps it's time we just wiped the slate clean, make everyone penny less & start again!?

Then we were asked by a really nice young girl to help with her dissertation by answering some questions about free schools (I said I thought they were a good excuse for the government to absolve themselves of responsibility for educating our youth & that state schools had become education factories more concerned with statistics & grades rather than good education so perhaps free schools had some benefits

Couple of other shots from today -

Nice reflection of town hall & window art doodles at Fabric pop up gallery.

Beautiful door of a now closed restaurant

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