A happy ending ..........................

This is what happened today................................................

Ann had the day off work so our plan was to go to 'Gorran Haven' and walk another 11 miles along the 'South West Coast Path'.

I had the shortest walk ever, first thing this morning. I only went to the newsagents and back. That was because Ann said that little collies' that were going on an 11 mile walk didn't need a long early morning walk.

But then do you know what happened? ........................ She said because it was raining and very misty, that for 'Health & Safety' reasons we wouldn't go walking along the cliff path. Well, she didn't want either of us toppling over the edge 'cos we couldn't see where we were going did she?!

So what did she do instead? ........................ She sat down with a cup of coffee and started watching 'Jeremy Kyle USA'?! Honestly; I have never watched such a load of c*** in all my little collie dog life! I kept nudging her leg because I hadn't had a proper walk. Anyway, after about half an hour of 'Jeremy Kyle', Ann had, had enough too and said we would go to Porthleven and walk round 'Loe Pool'.

'Loe Pool' is the largest freshwater lake in Cornwall and if we park in Porthleven it takes us about 3 hours to walk around it. There are loads of little paths and woodland walks.

Amazingly, once we got a couple of miles out of St Ives there was no rain or mist so we could have done our big walk after all?! Oh well, ho hum. I had a lovely time anyway.

I ran, I sniffed lovely smells, I swam, I went foraging in all the undergrowth. It was fab!

However, once we got about half way round the lake we met a couple who had lost their collie dog. Well actually it wasn't their dog - it belonged to a woman in her 70's (this is relevant for the rest of the story - now I'm starting to sound like 'Jeremy Kyle'?!). The lady was crying and the man kept shouting, 'Milo, Milo'. Ann asked the lady for her phone no. and said we were walking all the way round the lake and would phone if we found him. But the lady was so upset that she didn't know what her phone number was, so Ann had to ask her to phone our phone so that we had her number.

Anyway to cut a very long story short (this is definitely starting to sound like a 'JK show' now) we found the missing collie. We'd only just left the couple when we spotted him in the woodland, sitting up the hill in the undergrowth. We thought he must be trapped because we kept calling his name and he just sat and stared at us. Turned out he wasn't trapped at all. We think he was just tired and also he looked quite old?! Because he usually lives with an old lady, he doesn't normally go for long walks and the couple that we met had, had him out for 2 hours. That's far too long for an old collie who isn't used to walks.

So, all's well that ends well. The couple couldn't thank us enough for finding him. They were so, so happy! And, they kept telling me what a clever dog I was.

We're home now. It's so mild that I'm having a little snooze on the sun terrace. Ann's just wondering if it's too early to open a bottle of wine? Well, it is Saturday night after all?! She's contemplating going out, but a friend has lent her the DVD of 'The King's Speech'.

A bottle of wine (& a 'chew' for me) in front of the telly................................... Sounds good to me!!!!!!

Happy Saturday night blippers.

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