The Wren

By TheWren


During the walk with the dogs this morning a young working golden Labrador hurtled towards us, obviously having already run for a long while. It took one look at us, realised we were not her owner and dashed off again at great speed from the direction she had come from. About ten minutes later she reappeared, again at great speed and by this time her breathing was alarmingly rapid and her tongue and mouth were foamy from all the exertion. She looked frantic as she struggled to catch her breath and I actually feared for her life. When I spoke she came to me readily and I tried to calm her down until she eventually flopped at my feet. I waited for about 20 minutes before the breathing appeased a little and then slipped Cara's collar and lead onto her as I hadn't seen any sign of an owner, no-one was calling for her and she didn't even have a collar on. When I decided to move on, her back legs could hardly hold her upright but she seemed to trust me and gradually we made our way back to the car and I was able to leave her in the caring hands of staff at the stables just beside the walk. They have now found her owner!

So, no photographs during that walk!

This afternoon I was helping at a coffee/tea afternoon in aid of the RNLI where I was manning a stall of cards printed from paintings completed by our art group. I took a couple of photos but they were very iffy.

So here you have a blip from my garden of a beautiful and shy hellebore just emerging from the undergrowth.

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