The Memory Keeper

By athousandwords

My Dilemma

Before I begin, please please please promise not to think of me as a bad person after reading this! We can't help who we fall in love with (or not, in this case)!!

So I have a little dilemma. If you so wish, read on:

Last week I received an unusual text from my lovely friend in Dundee, in which she posed me a question. It went something along the lines of "Would you mind if I gave this random Argentinian guy on my course your number, because you briefly met him whilst intoxicated over 3 months ago and he's been building up the courage to ask ever since?" Naturally I didn't have a clue who the bloke was, as it is unfortunately very common for me to practice my awful Spanish on unsuspecting individuals whilst on the plonk... It must have seemed like my lucky day when I found someone who actually had a hope in hell of understanding any of it!!! Anyway, to continue... After trying to cast my mind back to when I first met this guy - we're talking sometime last November - I decided it wouldn't hurt to give him a chance. I am, after all, a very single woman.

Señor L (let's protect his dignity for now) turned out to be a very keen bean, and I received a text from him within mere minutes of having agreed to surrender my precious number. That night we arranged to meet up on the coming Thursday for coffee. The days slowly passed, and for some reason I began to resent being landed in this rotten predicament. Thursday night arrived and I, hungover, dragged my arse along to Señor L's local cafe of choice. To be fair I actually really enjoyed myself, and the time flew by... But there was no spark. None whatsoever, in fact. The man is small. My friend actually described him to me as weedy in the hopes of jogging my memory prior to our pending reunion. She could not have been closer to the truth. It was lucky there were no windows open in the cafe, as it would have been easily possible for a light breeze to have carried him off and into the unknown. And then there was the inevitable kiss goodnight. I tried to walk slowly to delay what I knew was coming, however I fear this may have instead translated as reluctance to leave his company. I'll gloss over the actual kiss, thankfully it was short and polite (rather like Señor L himself actually), and with that I bid him goodnight before rocketing up the many flights of stairs to the relative safety of my friend's flat.

And that was that. Until today. Well, 12.08am to be precise. At this moment in time I received a new text. From Señor L. Asking if I would "do him the honour" of meeting him again on either Tuesday or Wednesday. At this point I shuddered inwardly. According to my friend and her flatmate (also on the same course and therefore aware of Señor L's infatuation), this guy will be crushed if i tell him I'm not interested.... But I'm not interested! I like being single. It's nice. I don't have to look good all of the time (or any of the time for that matter)! I don't need a small, over-intelligent, South American man lusting after me. Also, in the short time we were together he brought it upon himself to notice and continually comment on my frequent and extensive use of profanities... Obviously something he would have liked to dissuade. Anyway it didn't help because I am not inclined to change my vocabulary in any hurry, and instead he's succeeded in making me feel ultra self-conscious.

I'll leave it at that for tonight, to anyone who bothered to read that huge long rant, I commend thee. Please feel free to suggest ways in which I can break the news to him gently... I'm stuck, and the last thing I want is to hurt his feelings. Why can't I be attracted to nice, small, interesting men!? :/

Love a very frustrated Jo! xx

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