There definitely isn't much in focus in this image, but that makes me love it that much more.

Baby S right before slathering a big wet one on my cheek. He loves to do that these days...grab both cheeks and come right at you open mouthed. Sweetest thing ever. And only a mom would say that.

The Patient is doing quite well. Only mentioning a bit of pain here and there, but other than that, being reminded constantly to take it easy and not overdo it. Geesh...I think these next couple weeks will be a bit of an adjustment for all of us.

Great thing though...we all spent the day together, even running errands together. And I was able to "just be" with the kids while M made dinner. Puzzles, legos, and movies.

Oh, and it snowed today. And hailed. Not much snow, but enough hail to cover the ground for a few hours.

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