Spare a thought for Broken Branches

Inexplicably, a (fairly major) branch from this tree had fallen.

It was obviously not overnight, not even recent. The tree had new buds of life, the branch none. Dead, deceased, bereft of life. I wondered if anyone else had noticed it. Perhaps. but like me, they walked on by, getting on with their own lives.

When I took the shot, I did not expect it to find it's way onto blip, but I watched a film called The Company Men and a poignant piece of dialogue about how, after an employee of The Company after 30 odd years, was discarded and everyone he had seen everyday and spoken to throughout his life, went on with theirs as if nothing had happened. How their lives remained the same but his was over.

This reminded me of this branch. Of how we all walk past it despite the fact it was an integral part of that tree. Now worthless. Not even park wardens are bothered with it. Through no fault of it's own, a passing wind, maybe some over zealous youths? Now just dead wood. Much Like the employee. The circle of life.

OK if you are the tree bursting to share the buds of new growth. Not so good if you're the broken branch.

PS - BTW, anyone notice I also captured a UFO? Look large at 2 o'clock.

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