Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer

Exciting times - continued.

Okay, so this wall isn't all that exciting... But I did blip it a few weeks ago, or the main part of it, because of how unusual it is to see graffiti around here. I was HOPING it wouldn't get washed off/painted over, and sure enough, it's still there now. I'm sure it's a record.

The only reason I'm using this photo is because it is the only photo I took today.

Anyway... More of the exciting stuff.
Yesterday I mentioned about my friend and I starting up our own studio very soon. Well. Everything is progressing in leaps and bounds.
We've even set up the Facebook page for the business.

I know many of you are not based anywhere near Melbourne, but it would be great if you could have a looky, and let any friends you may have in the Melbourne area know about us. We want to make this work, but to make this work, we need a following and client base.

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