
By Serap

February Challenge - Time

I was desperate to find a sundial somewhere for today's challenge, but I just couldn't think of anywhere that would have one, so instead I chose the clock near the 1st tee on the Aphrodite Hills golf course, where I live. I'm never too sure about golf and the golfers... they're a funny lot with all of their rules and regulations. Poochie (in-law's dog) is always terribly frowned at if we get caught on the course, and once I even made a buggy full of lady golfers gasp! It's just a small dog people, calm down! Poochie on the other hand loves the golf course... as soon as we get to the fairway she does this cute move, where she sort of dives in, face first, and rolls around, happy as a lamb! It makes me laugh every time I see her do it!

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