Blossom . . . .

We had a lovely day today, sunshine and blue skies. Mike set to in the extension, and got on like a thing possessed! It's looking great and we are so pleased with it. I started on the weeding in the back garden. Because the ground was so wet, it was pretty easy to get them out, roots and all. For the first time for ages I had the washing drying on the line outside. Lovely to see it blowing and to bring it in smelling of fresh air, with the towels soft rather than like cardboard!

Coming round the back of the garage Mike spotted this - blossom on the peach tree! Incredible considering it has stood outside since last September, when I jettisoned it from the greenhouse after I had noticed it was covered in red spider mite! We put the tub on the wheelbarrow and trundled it round to the back door, so we can keep an eye on it.

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