Blackbeard here I come!!!

Here is Johnny tonight playing that game again!!! He loves it and talks about it all day long every day!!

This morning Megan and Katie had some dancing exams. Megan was running late but fortunately I put her a wee packed lunch in her bag just in case that happened so she wasn't starving!! They both feel they done well and I am sure they have as they love going to Dance Craze with Karen and Lisa and all the other helpers.

Made some more Chicken Sweetcorn and Noodle soup today so that I can be "focused" tomorrow and have no excuse to nibble again!! I need to be very strict this time as I have been kidding myself on that I have been good up to now???

We went for a early tea tonight and let the kids run wild in the play area that was there for a while which is always a good way to burn them out. They are all now in bed except for Megan.

Daddy has packed the sarnies and Mummy has still got the shoes to polish and then we can chill.

See you all tomorrow.


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