The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

The road home again

The weather was continuing to be the " Land-slippy type" as a friendly neighbour put it.Very soggy as I would. The reservoirs are all full to the brim and the sky was still producing, from low misty clouds. It's been a very mild winter, with spring in the air along with the rain. The gorse is starting to bloom, the frogs spawning, the pussywillow buds bursting and the evenings getting longer. I wonder when the first midge will bite?

At least Nigel the Tup is on his holidays and regaining some of the masses of weights he lost over the past couple of months. The poor thing, the gals had him run ragged ;-)

We had a wonderful meditation and the a Yoga session this morning whcih saw some major improvements and I didn't snap today, which was a bonus. Gee-Gee showed how she can bend heels over head and still talk. I could go off her....but I won't.

After a lovely lunch, we all said a relaxed and happy cheerio and of we all set homewards.

Ally was waiting for me with dinner and a hug. But it seems that the book and a half he's devoured since I left, have kept him occupied. I think he missed me, but when he's finished reading number two, I may find out,...... or maybe not. He has another book in the wings.

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