
By Regine

Toos, the Hero

Made a trip to Tilburg again to visit a different physiotherapist that specializes in shoulder problems.

She put me on a stool, made me wave my arms for a moment and then said: "Oh, I know what this is!"
Then she pressed with her thumb on my back a bit and made me wave my arms again and asked: "Does this feel better?"
Only thing I could say was: "jaaaaaaa!" The pain was so much less!

So what is wrong? My shoulderblades are able to move too much, pressing on other muscles which causes the pain in my arm.
Of course I cannot walk around with a physiotherapist pressing her thumb in my back so I will need to do some excersises and start swimming :) also, I have to stop walking around like quasimodo (was already working on that by the way) ;) and change the way I sit when working at the lab.

This photo I made of the hospital before I went to the physiotherapist (the sky was actually very nice and blue...). When I left the hospital everything looked a lot better and everything seemed much more fun!

Toos, the physiotherapist, is my hero of the day!

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