Through the Eyes of Me

By kjh

Snack food for champions

Mt. kjh finished his 100km mountain bike race today.
I'm very proud of him. He is happy that he finished ahead of more than twenty people.
Conditions were less than wonderful as we've had thunderstorms with torrential downpours almost daily for the past month. The course was full of nasty mud, knee to waist deep puddles, washed out singletrack, and lots of climbing. As a result, finish times were over an hour slower than last year.
Mr. kjh said it was not cool to reach mile fifty and see a sign for the summit trail.
I spent most of the day at the last feed station at the top of the mountain, then headed down to people watch at the finish.
Nine hours racing a mountain bike is not easy.
Hooray for Mr. kjh!!!!

Thanks to everyone who wished him luck. :)
It worked!
(Well, that and eight months of hard training...)

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