Fi's Foibles

By purpleicious

Meet Mrs Sparrow

Why is it that the moment you've switched off the camera & replaced the lens cap, the best potential shot of the day materialises?

So, snapped in a hurry (& from the comfort of my bed), but here she is. The resigned look on her face could have something to do with her mate having just failed on his latest material-gathering mission - he'd approached their nesting box with his beak crammed full of goodies, stopped in the tree to line up his approach to the hole, then got distracted by the newly-filled seed feeder, & DROPPED the entire bundle.
I hope he'll be more reliable when the time comes to fetch food for their future family, but somehow I think he'll be the sort of mate who goes to the supermarket for bread & coffee, but comes home with just a magazine & some strawberries.

Just noticed that there's a siskin on that black feeder behind her: they - plus goldfinches - have only started visiting in the past week or so, & are still so nervous & flittery that I've yet to get a properly focussed shot of them.

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