Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

60th blip!

Despite having a reasonable night (only 2 night feeds!) I was really tired this morning and managed to forget about our sing and sign class. It starts at 10am, but at 10.15 having put Henry down for a nap, I was in the shower trying to remember what I should have been doing instead!

I've decided that Henry sleeps better at night when he gets lots of fresh air in the day, so we walked into Rothley instead of driving to meet our baby group friends. I wasn't prepared for the light rain on the way back so we both got a little soggy but Henry didn't seem to mind - he fell asleep! I love waking with him in the sling, a random old lady commented the other day that it was like carrying a cuddle which I thought was lovely! It's good exercise too, and much more practical for walking round the coop.

Today's blip is Henry in his jumperoo. I know it's blurry but he was having such a good time and he wouldn't stay still.

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