Life's Too Short

By MRuddle


Finally a picture that appeared how I expected! Had a bit of help from dad with this. (I didn't feel like messing about with self timers!)

I think what really works is the differing amount of blur on different balls. you really get a sense of the power of the break and the spreading from the centre 8-ball. It is a very dynamic, kinetic picture. It gives the sense of movement and the feel of the moment.

The only thing that I feel lets the picture down is the light. The colours could be more pronounced, I know it is hard with the blur but the blue of the cloth I think could have been more bold.

I got really angry with my school work today. I couldn't do any of it. However had a nice dinner out with mum and dad which topped the day of on a better note. I think calzone is probably one of my new favourite foods. It really is yummy.

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