The Commercial Centre...

It may not be quality goods but by jings, how guid is Ali's Cave? They have not failed me yet and it doesn't matter what you're looking for, they always seem to have what you're looking for.

I've scored in there for such diverse things as poker chips, light bulbs, corkboards, watch batteries, cardboard folders and today in my hour of bike breakdown** need, a tin of WD40. I even saw ice cleats hanging on the wall. It's like a whole city's shopping under one roof.

In fact, there's a game, what do you think is the wierdest thing you could find in Ali's Cave.

**I think the gear cassette thing on the back where has given up the ghost. It keeps sticking and if I tried to free wheel at all, the chain came off. I had to constantly cycle all the way home. Wheel removed and taking into shop tomorrow.


Notes on the Picture...
This is Ewan's eye patch shop. These are all Bethany's customised eye patches from when she had to wear them before she got drops. They were orginally mostly stuck to the surface of the fireplace here but Ewan re-organised them to all hang from it for his shop.

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