AJ's Snaptorium

By AJTaylor

Brown Noddy Tern (Juvenile)

So I reckon, but hey! Never seeen one before so I am willing to be corrected.
I have had a trawl through a couple of sites on South Atlantic seabirds and the the bits that made my mind up was
1) It is Tern shaped,
2) It is Brown.. (you still with me)
3) to the front of its head you can make out the white that will eventually cover its head in a cap as an adult.
4) the Tail, in this image you can just make out the notch in the end of the tail. it was more noticable in flight.
A very twitchy bird in flight as it rode the pretty windy air currents. out of around 20 shots I got 3 were in focus and this was by far the best of the three.

Blip Bound until the Tern turned up was going to be this
Grasshopper who must be in for a world record as the nearest land is 100 kilometres away and the wind is 90 degrees off to starboard making that a 400k hop...

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