Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Sleepless Night

Well So much for my early night last night.

I woke up at 3ish this morning and couldn't get back to sleep as our neighbours TV was too loud.

This isnt the first time that their TV has prevented sleep - they have it on most nights - ALL night (they have even been known to do a spot of late night DIY) - but normally if we have managed to get to sleep and stay asleep its fine.

But last night it was particularly loud. I got up and well there isnt much else to do at that time of the morning so I put our TV on, but I could even hear their TV over ours!!!

Mr Mouse was woken up as well and poor Mr Mouse was suffering from another migraine. He went and banged on their door last night but no one answered. He went round today and spoke to them - they have said that they will keep the volume down, so we shall wait and see.

While I couldn't sleep I got some illustrations painted up.

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