A Russian Proverb

Good for the Russians I say! They have hit the nail on the head.

This human bill board is actually our favourite waiter in Loudon's cafe, recently the place for the lying in state of the newly expired.
He comes from Nepal and is rather beautiful in the way that people are in his part of his country.

I should of course been nowhere near a cake this morning, but after a minor spring clean of the kitchen and his Lordship's study floor, I felt entitled to reward myself.

It must be my being nearer the floor and wearing glasses that allows me to see crumbs and spills on floors which go unnoticed by his Lordship, although he is otherwise obsessive about order and tidiness to knee level.

Whatever his excuse, and with his absence on the hills, I took the opportunity to get down on my hands and knees, compromised shoulder and all, and wash the floors and tidy the mess behind the deep window sill of plants in the kitchen.

Out for shopping, I found my feet on auto pilot carrying me to the den of iniquity Loudon's where I had my slice of fruit loaf ( 1 fruit portion of the daily 5) and tea for free having racked up enough points on their loyalty card.

Having listened last night to a programme about exercise, I should have known better.
Apparently there are some poor souls whose genes are such that no amount of exercise will increase their aerobic potential although it will help their ability to cope with sugar and fats in the blood; and you will only lose weight if you cut down on food consumption too.

In fact it seems that all we need on the exercise front is 3 minutes of intense effort three times a week. As I looked at what constituted intense exercise, I realised that it wasn't for bus pass holders. I'm excused.

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