Dashing through the snow...

...on a two horse open sleigh! - by Mrs Soup, aged 21+

Today being our rest day, Team Mavis, - myself, Mr Soup and our dear friends Mavis and Bob decided to go on sleigh ride. Our driver Frankie took us on a local tour along snowy country lanes. We were snuggled up in our blankets but just when we thought we were feeling a little chilly, Frankie stopped the sleigh and gave us all a glass of schanapps.

Then it was off to the Halseralm, a lovely inn for lunch. Here we had their speciality kaiserschmarren flambe (a delicous chopped-up thick pancakewith rum and berries) with a mug of jagatee, all alchoholic but of course needed to keep out the winter chills.

Then it was back on the sleigh and dashing through the lanes back to our hotel stopping for another glass of schnapps en route. A wondeful experience.

Mrs Soup

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