Views, vistas and visions

By alands

Walk around Castlelaw Hill

Yesterday's Blip didn't work for some technical reason; I have therefore little proof of our walk around Threipmuir and Harlaw reservoirs.

Today's is another walk from the Cicerone guide "The Pentland Hills ...", taken from just north of Castlelaw Hill / Fala Knowe, looking to the south west.

Another tiring stroll for me and the hound, with the addition today of live firing from the army's firing range on Castlelaw Hill. I was careful to remin out of the line of fire, but was nonetheless somewhat apprehensive. Nellie was blithely unaware of our impending slaughter but was still rather put out by the loud noises.

For dogs, it's not golf that spoils a good walk, it's ordnance just over that small hill.

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