Fi's Foibles

By purpleicious

Rhino WHAT??

This is a 'Rhino Runna'. No, I hadn't heard of such a thing either; to begin with I thought that it might be a little-known disability aid - not that I could envisage it ever getting me running anywhere (I'm not sure that even a real live charging rhino could achieve that), & I certainly couldn't see it catching on as an alternative style of wheelchair..... Anyway, google tells me that it's a kind of wheelbarrow, or in this case an ex-wheelbarrow. Once liberated from the undergrowth we realised it's not actually that old, so goodness knows why our predecessors abandoned it at the bottom of the garden - perhaps it's one of these gadgets that seems like a good idea when you see it online/in the shop, but in practice never quite lives up to the sales patter? Several seasons' exposure to the elements hasn't done the paintwork any favours, but aesthetics apart it does look as though it could still work - we just can't envisage any occasion when we might want to use such a thing, when we have a perfectly serviceable wheelbarrow in the shed. But I've always enjoyed photographing scenes of man-made 'mess' contrasted against nature, & so until such time as it gets consigned to Freecycle (or the tip) I've persuaded hubby to leave it in situ; I'm sure he thought he was being helpful when he ripped all the ivy away from its legs, & I didn't have the heart to tell him that that was part of its charm.

Positive news on the daughter: she's looking & feeling much better after a night's sleep - though much to her disgust (but not to our surprise) she has no stamina, & keeps on falling asleep; so it looks as though we'll get away with at least another day or two of cosseting her ;-) Thanx for all the positive vibes yesterday.

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