Amazing Grace

By Gracenpeace

My favorite time of the day!

As a consultant, my days are filled to overflowing with work, client calls, and management of my business. But the most important thing I do each day is spend time in God's word - reading and thinking deeply about what I have read. Each day He speaks to my heart through what I have read.

Today He reminded me again through Romans that my eternity will be spent with Him because I believe in Jesus. What does that mean? It means that no matter how hard I have tried (or not) to do the right thing, I have failed compared to His perfection. God knew that. That's why He sent His Son, who is fully human and fully God, to live among us then die in my (and your) place for our failures. He took my (and yours) punishment for our failures (sin). By His resurrection He brought me (and you) to new life. I am a new person not caught up in my past failures. They are gone. When God looks at me He sees Jesus' righteousness. Romans 10:9-10 says "that if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord", and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.". Period. End of story.

Thank You Lord for saving me and being with me every moment of every day. My prayer for you, my new friends, is that the Lord would speak to your heart and bring you to Himself.

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