Aren't you a bit early?

Today, while hunting for a blip of one of the blue tits on serenading competition in my garden, this wasp caught my eye. She was walking along a railing at my backdoorsteps back and forth a little puzzled, behaving like drunk. Well waking up too early from hybernation might have that effect I don't know...
It is a Gallical Field Wasp and from the size and being here that early I think it was a queen, cause only the queens go into hybernation. At first I thought it was a real wasp, but then I noticed these long orange antennae and the dotted first part of the body, so I did a little research and found out that it was a Gallical Field Wasp instead of a Yellow Jacket.
She was not the least bit aggressive and made a good model for my several attempts to get the best shot of her so here are some more you might like:

Wasp 1

Wasp 2

Wasp 3

Wasp 4

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