
By sailfish

Yet, here's his health in water!

One of Robert Burns less renowned poems, when it is quoted the second verse is often missing! Here's to Burns on World Book Day;

Altho' my back be at the wa',
An' tho' he be the fau'tor;
Altho' my back be at the wa',
I'll drink his health in water.
O wae gae by his wanton sides,
Sae brawly he could flatter;
I for his sake am slighted sair,
An' dries the kintra clatter;
But let them sae whate'er they like,
Yet, here's his health in water.

Here's a link to the full version, if you're interested (and not easily offended) - Hannah Gordon recites the whole poem rather nicely.

I liked the Strathmore bottle so much I thought I'd use it again :)

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