Bjork - Pagan Poetry (Infusion Remix)

Dear friend / relative,

How have you been? It's been a long time hasn't it? I guess there's no time like the present to just drop a line. What have you been up to? Has (insert city name here) changed much? I remember the times we fondly had, going to Ocean / seeing Infected Mushroom / having coffee at 2am at the Pancake Parlour / sitting in the park watching the sun set / Batu Ferringhi Beach / seeing DJ Kaori at Air / dancing to Ne-Yo at Lavish / having roti and curry for breakfast...

Somehow time just gets the best of us and even though I was meant to do this a long time ago, those waves of responsibility just start to climb higher and higher above our heads. I know this might sound weird, but I really miss you. I understand that you have a new job / just got married / a new acting role / just set up a gallery / just got back from Europe... how was it? I can't imagine the experiences you've been having, the adrenaline of getting more out of life. Just knowing that you're living your life and making a difference to people keeps me happy. It's kinda sad how we can't share those times anymore and even though Facebook keeps us up to date, it's no where near as close to just hanging out.

I understand that even though we want to meet up again, you're in an amazing stage of your life which I somehow feel like I'm infringing on, even just by writing this letter. I know I've also somehow let you down by seemingly cutting contact from you, but we're close enough to understand that one's path must be walked on their own. The space created, a necessary perimeter for room to grow. Although it's not necessary, we both don't need to apologise for the way our lives have gradually parted. I love and respect you enough to know that it's for the best. I hope you feel the same way too. I honestly look forward to the time we meet again, when our schedules or stars align once more.

Although it's been a while and the memories we've had appear now like whispers in the dark, I most certainly won't forget you. You've been part of what makes me who I am today. I hope I've done the same to some small degree. Certain bonds don't break easily. Until next time, my friend.



PS: I don't tell you enough how much you mean to me.

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