Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry


My dad retired today after 25yrs as a GP in a little village. I was there on his first day, and I was there on his last, which I found quite emotional. I don't like to think about my parents getting old. We had cake, which even Henry enjoyed (he wolfed down a lump of marzipan!) Today's Blip is my dad showing Henry the garden, he spent ages patting the grass and looking at a ladybird which had landed on his foot.

I've been trying to cut down slightly on the amount of milk Henry has during the day as he was asking for it every couple of hours then not eating much in the way of solids. Today he had a massive breakfast (yogurt, Cheerios, eggybread and some omelette strips, although he mainly fed those to the cat) which kept him going for almost 6hrs! He drinks water out of a cup really well now so I'm going to start offering him snacks and a drink ready for when he's in nursery. He's still feeding 5-7 times overnight so I'm sure he's still getting plenty of milk!

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