Think & Shoot & Think

By micmoment

When you fall into a pit that saves you

Seriously can't stand my photos not in white & black when it's crappy.

Sounds like a not bad day after all......... :)

We're doing quite good today. Almost there. Not bad. Close enough.
Seeing my baby finally getting to do what he wants, and he seemed like the happiest boy on earth. Everything was pure bliss today. Or so I thought.

Late for project smile last briefing session 'cause I went to the wrong place.
Not that many familiar faces from last year's. And yes it's time for facilitation again. Haven't done facilitation for a very long time. I hope I'm still up for it.


"When you want to test your limits and see how long you can actually run, till then, it's not whether how long you can run, but how long your body reserves can last you."


Even if you are happy not for my sake, at least you're happy.

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