Life's Too Short

By MRuddle

If you've got it, flute it.

Today was a good day. I scored a goal in house football. Yes you did read that correctly. I haven't played football in about 4 years and I managed to score. Just in case you didn't realise I'm quite proud of myself.

Also this evening mum got out her flute for me to play with, was really good fun and I'm contemplating starting to teach myself to play. Hey if in one evening you can teach yourself 3 nursery rhymes then you must have talent right?

I like how this picture came out. The warm lighting and the shine on the metal give it a real sense of home and the faint fingerprint on one of the keys really tops it off nicely. The mechanism of a flute is also a triumph of fantastic design it works brilliantly and also looks very stunning too.

Oh and I made a new joke (these events are rare and deserve to be celebrated):
why are flute players always showing off? because they're flauntists! hahaha...ha.....

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