A Writer's Life

By Awriterslife

No title. Just hope

I tend to fall. I don't break, I never break, but I tend to end up in the ER, in pain, because I missed a step, or wasn't looking where I was going. It's not fun, of course, and because of the fibro, the pain does tend to go overboard. But tonight, I'd take one of my falls, I'd fall, break something, break two somethings, if it meant I could protect someone I love from the pain I just witnessed. My grandmother is going to be 95 in 5 days. Today, she slipped in her kitchen, and broke a hip. She is the type of person who, when we ask her about delivering her 5 kids, will say "it's not a pique-nique, but what are you gonna do?" She looks at a pain pill, and feels drowsy. Not today. I'd take my own pain, bring it on, if it would appease hers.

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