Black on Black

You watch the back, and I'll take care of the front. It looks as if the guy with the camera got the message.

It wasn't a very good Blip day for me. It rained all morning while I was playing petanque, stopping just as I got into the car to come home. I had no indoor blip planned, nor did I find inspiration when I got home.

I couldn't resist stopping at the ReStore yet again to search for (and find) some lovely pieces of wood that will undoubtedly come in handy some day -- if not for me, then for someone else. These dogs were guarding their SUV outside the store, and made it very clear that they would prefer I didn't get very close, so I took the photo from the other side of the Jetta and cropped it. I forgot I'd taken it until after my late (solitary) dinner -- C is off at a cooking demonstration.

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