Learning day by day

By EmmaF

28 months

At 28months my boy has had his verbal switch turned on! His language and diction has improved massively in what seems like the space of a week. His favourite phrase at the moment is "I no like it.", but he is now coming out with full sentences and copying other peoples speech like a little parrot. I am no longer worried that he will reach pre-school and be unable to be truly understood by anyone other than Mummy, Daddy, Carys and T.

His little personality is really coming to the fore now as well. He loves pretending to be asleep and 'surprising you when he wakes, loves hiding and shouting "Boo!" and laughs like a drain when he (or anyone else) pops or burps, followed by a shout of "Me me" (Pardon Me), so at least he has some manners somewhere! He also makes sure that Carys and I both get a goodbye kiss from Daddy in the morning before he goes to work. Woe betide Daddy should he ever forget anyone!

Love you little man. You can be very frustrating but you are independent, funny and so loving and caring, are developing a delicious sense of humor. You make everyday different, interesting and I wouldn't have you any other way. x

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