investigations of a dag

By kasty

the extra reduced decalogue of Jan Svanmajer

this time last week was at this event watching Svankmajer films. It's still got me thinking.

The blip is an image from Dimensions of Dialogue (available in parts 1 and 2 on youtube). This image is from "passionate dialogue" in part 2 and is featured on the pamphlet accompanying the 85A event

Also featured in the pamphlet is a reduced version of Svankmajer's Decalogue, here's the super concentrated version..
1)remember that there is only one poetry. The antithesis of poetry is professional expertise.

2) succumb totally to your obsessions. You have nothing better anyway. Obsessions are relics from your childhood.

3) Keep interchanging dream for reality and vice versa

4) the deeper you go into a fantastic plot the more you have to be realistic in detail. Here it's necessary to rely on the experience of the dream.

5)nurture creativity as a means of auto-therapy. Because this anti-aesthetic standpoint brings art closer to the gates of freedom

6)Always give priority to creativity, the continuity of the inner model or psychological automation over an idea. An idea, even the most poignant, cannot be a sufficient motive to sit behind a camera.

been a mental week and thinking of doing an all nighter as I have some work to finish before heading off on a road trip down south.

blips will be via mobile, late and brief for a spell.. you'll be relieved to hear

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