What I See.


Day Thirty - Self Portrait

I survived the thirty day challenge! Presenting my final offering - a self-portrait, of sorts.

Today is St David's day, and being of Welsh heritage I felt compelled to watch the parade through the city. My favourite part was a hoard of excitable school children marching past the castle chanting ''Wales! Wales! Wales!'' - it was adorable.

I think the strangest sight was four 20-ft tall effigies of Welsh heroes - Ruth Jones (Nessa from Gavin and Stacey), Saint David, Shirley Bassey and Tom Jones - being wheeled down the parade route... made stranger by the fact that Saint David, the reason for the parade, was third in this line up!

When the final marchers had passed and the crowds dispersed Han, Lydia and I sat on a bench by city hall eating handmade Welsh fudge and admiring the fine weather.

It's been a very good day.

30 Day Photography Challenge

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