Life through the lens...

By ValC

Shiver me timbers!

Here we are in Cornwall, after an over night stop in Exeter travel lodge.
(will back blip tomorow)

Can,t beleive what a fantasctic house we are renting! Looks even better than the photos.

We have had a wonderful day today.
First of all the weather has been fantastic. Sun and blue sky all day( appart from a heavy shower when we were driving in the car)

Our first stop was Charlestown, and here is the photo of the three square rig ships in the harbour.
These are used for films such as Hornblower, Treasure Island, Shackleton, David Copperfield and many more.
A lovely quaint old harbour and the ships look wonderful. Would love to see them in full sail!

We had a bacon sandwich here for brunch!
Watched some boys jumpimg off the harbour wall into the sea. Although it was sunny that sea must have been freezing!

From there we went to Caerhays Castle Gardens to see the Camellias and Magnolias. What a wonderful place and the flowers were amazing.
Some of the magnolia trees were HUGE. The gardens contain over 600 magnolias, making it one of the most important collections in the British Isles.

The garden is also the home of the world famous x williamsii Camellias , and still have many original plants collected in China by the plant collectors in the early 1900's.
A truly spectacular place, and one not to be missed if you are in the area.
Took lots of photos of these, but as we are visiting other gardens I thought a magnolia blip would come later in the holls.

I am doing this, looking out of the window, the sun is setting and the waves are crashing on to the rocks at the edge of the harbour!
Won't want to leave when the time comes!!

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