Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Busy day

Well it's felt like a busy day even though we haven't achieved much!

I think Henry is going through the next developmental leap because he's been more grumpy, clingy and slept worse for the last 2 days. I thought it was just teething but he was the same after ibuprofen. He fed every 1.5hrs last night so I was shattered this morning!

We went to an NCT nearly new sale this morning which was a bit of a scrum, we took Henry in the sling and I was glad he was on my front so I could protect him from the thoughtless people barging around - I'm so pleased I didn't try to wrestle with a buggy in there! We got lots of next size clothes including some for holidays (may have overdone it on the shorts, just counted 14 pairs! Hope it's warm this summer!) and some toys - a fisher price cookie jar shape sorter and some hide and squeak eggs which have been a great success so far.

The weather has been nice so Neil took Henry for a walk to the garden centre to try out the holiday buggy and we tidied the house too. I'm looking forward to bed!

Today's blip is one of the pictures I took at my mums a few days ago - Henry fell asleep on me. His hair got all sweaty and ended up staying like this for the rest of the day, he looked like Tintin!

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