I travel - Simple minds

Ok, I'm into proper music March now since the journey home was today (and yesterday technically). And what a journey it was! We flew out of Delhi at 9.45 Delhi time and had a three hour flight into Dubai. We then had almost an eight hour wait in Dubai Airport. If it had been half an hour more we would have qualified for a voucher for a free hotel for the evening, but as it was we just had to sit in the airport.

Fortunately Dubai is very much a 24 hour airport so there was plenty to keep us occupied and stave off exhaustion. Then the final leg was a seven hour flight to Glasgow, which I was able to sleep for almost half of.

I did realise too late that after a week of no caffeine two Jack Daniels and coke on the first flight followed by a strong coffee then a a can of heavily caffeinated Mountain Dew in the Airport on top af not very substantial eating during the day wouldn't do my stomach much good. I'd happily consume that much caffeine in a normal day, but having completely got it out my system it wasn't great.

Other than that, and the tiredness it was a very smooth journey. Emirates airline were fantastic. Probably the best airline I've flown with for long haul, although I've yet to try Ethihad who are also supposed to be good. Even for economy the seats were comfortable, the staff were friendly and attentive and even the food was pretty decent for airline food.

The in flight entertainment was great too, as well as all the sort of films you'd expect they had loads of decent music including about 100 artist playlists which had a selection of the best songs by certain artists including the likes of Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan, The Doors, The Who, Led Zeppelin, Bob Marley and Tom Waits!

Film wise I watched Toy Story3 (good), The Muppet Movie (good), Warrior (pretty good) and The Immortals (really not good at all). I did try watching Tinker, Tailor, Soldier Spy but I was just too tired to follow it.

Anyway today's song Is from 1980 and Simple Minds' third studio album Empires and Dance. I'm really tempted to buy the x5 compilation they've just released with the first five albums up to New gold dream. The later stuff was not really mu cup of tea although it was obviously massively successful for them but I really like the early krautrock inspired synth-ey stuff.

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