My colourful life!

By rainbowtaylor

Smart togs.

Half a day at work. Yippee!

Went and had a long chat with mum before dashing to town to see if I could get outfits for the boys for the christening we are going to on Sunday. I had an hour to search in the only five shops we have in the city that sell older boys clothes! Finally made up an outfit using different shops! Got cross with this super slow shop assistant who took forever to scan two T-shirts and a pair of reduced trousers and still got the final total wrong so I told her to leave it and walked out without them! Found better elsewhere!

Got home and boys tried outfits on - both trousers too small and one pair of shoes too big! Argh! After all that! So I was in a hump!

Going to bed really early tonight! Shattered. It's been a tough week.

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