
By bugsman

What Can I Say

A Saturday down and no pictures taken until well after dark when I got home. Sooooooooooooooooooooo had to settle on the fish tank again. What struck me was the white shell on the top there. I had just added some empty shells to the tank so the hermit crabs would have a new home when they got bigger and already a hermit crab has shed it's old shell and taken on this bright shiny new white one for his new home.

Busy day out and about with my uncle. We were out galavanting around from about 11:00 this morning until I finally made it home about 6:30. Long and fun day - we accomplished all of our errand with smiles and laughs.

I apologize for not commenting and want to thank all of you who have visited and commented without me reciprocating in a timely manner, but I'll be by to visit soon. Too much to do and too little time to do it in. But all of you are the very best there is out there and I thank you and appreciate each and everyone of you.

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