Paul Wright

By PaulWright


So lets describe today. Today was a nice day, infact it wasn't nice, it was bloody great!!. As sarcasm is hard to put into words i will just tell you that I was being sarcastic. Well here we go folks...

I was woken up at around 9am with a phone called From Ms H... Never mind. Lets just called her Ms H. So anyway i was woken up by 'Ms H' as she had contacted me from my new school to ask for my GCSE grades (take into consideration she was phoning at 8am BST and therefore it was 9am CEST) I was quite suprised that she bothered to phone. So the conversation went on and on and I was in the middle of explaining how i didn't have them and all i kept hearing was "Oh no", you know when you seem really shocked. It was like that. So, anyway after telling her how i don't have them and wont be able to get them until monday she insisted i called her later in the day to inform her of my grades (I was tempted Commit Suicide at this point as the conversation had gone on for 20 minutes).

Later on i went to mini-golf and on the way I was happily taking photos of Cows and of the Bad Salzuflen Kurpark. That was fine, but on the way back i was drenched, so yes.

I'm off for a shower now.

Have a great Weekend.


The Cow Field

A Cow Eating Grass

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