End of the beginning

Today was spent with the folks from Aberdeen Against Austerity, Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire Green Party, Aberdeen City Youth Council, Aberdeen City Council Labour Group, BADGER, Democracy and Gardens Environment Watch and of course Friends of Union Terrace Gardens at the Beach Ballroom.

I was too busy scrutineering and doing mental arithmetic of ballot boxes and trays to take any photos during the actual count.

So, I'll paste in here what I stuck on FB as I was walking down

"Heading to the Beach Ballroom for the referendum count. Win or lose, I'd like to thank all of those with whom I've had the privilidge - and honour - of standing shoulder to shoulder with on the streets (or on the net) these past couple of years. Your passion for your city and community is an inspiration. Viva UTG!"

All our campaigning efforts were to no avail in the end and we lost the vote.

This is Kenneth Watt from Aberdeen City Youth Council putting a brave face on things at the Beach Ballroom. He's spent loads of time campaigning, so when folks tell you that all young people just laze about, don't believe them. Hopefully the next generation of politicians will be better than the current ones.

"Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. but it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." Churchill, 1942

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