Colin Parte

By ColinParte

Joy Street

I had a great day off today, starting with a lie in followed by breakfast with Mrs P, a visit to St George's Market for walk around the stalls with Sophie, then a visit to my sister's house so she could spend time with her cousins.
Meanwhile I made off into town to buy a Mac Book Pro for my trip and then spend a couple of very enjoyable hours at the @lovebooksbelfast book club in Ground, upstairs in Waterstone's. We discussed The Sisters Brothers by Patrick DeWitt - excellent book, BTW!

I continue to be amazed at the X100 - sorry to go on about it but I'm delighted with it. My two favourite shots of the day are my Blip and this shot of one of the stalls at St George's: Records Wanted

Here are the rest of today's catch: Photo Walk 040312

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