Click Click Redemption

By Seoirseo

Poo Poos are a distinct Noo Noo!

The sign roughly translates as "Don't even think about it, pick it up!"

I hadn't realised, but a new law was recently passed (certainly for Mexico City), that means that you can be sent straight to prison for not bagging your canine waste. No fine, just straight to El Slammer.

In a country, where over 40,000 have lost their lives in the "War On Drugs" and certain parts of the country are essentially lawless, and the prisons regularly lose large chunks of their population in jailbreaks, this seems like a worthwhile investment of time and resources in making the country a better place.

If it were me, I would just rub the owners noses in their pets' faeces. But then I'm nothing but a Guero and maybe I should just zip it.

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